Monday, September 13, 2010

It's been a while.

It's been a while since have posted so I thought I'd get to work. A lot has been going on with my family over the past few weeks and it's been hard to keep up. I have slipped on my diet over the past week and that makes me so upset at myself. I have lost 20 pounds so far and that is good. It's getting to where my pants don't fit right and that's a good feeling as well as a frustrated feeling. I don't have the money to go shopping for cloths when I don't know if they are going to fit in a couple of weeks. So I'll just have to keep hiking up those pants. My husband was amused when I showed him I could walk out of my jeans without unbuttoning or zipping them. But the unfortunate thing about that is when I'm trying to clean or pick up Xan in a store I have to be constantly aware of where my jeans are hitting me. My land lord, Mr. Creed came by to fix the dryer and i was bent over helping him and Xan walks up behind me and announces to the whole house "Mommy your butt is pink." lol It's a good thing Mr. Creed has a good since of humor because I had to explain to Xan that it wasn't my butt it was my underwear. Also Mr. Creed is working with a lady who is on the same diet so he understands what I'm doing. So his response to the situation was "that's a good thing".
So that is where the diet is and I'm posting a picture that my husband took and it shows my face and that's where you can tell the biggest difference. I'm trying to take each day as it comes and not to worry too much about it. I've been in a little bit of funk. I've been depressed and my moods have been up and down. I don't like the way that I've been feeling. It's more than likely the hormone shots so I'm trying to not let it get to me.

Every day is a new adventure. Meet it head on and with a positive attitude to see where it takes you.

Monday, August 30, 2010

I've back tracked!

It's been a week since my last blog and as many of you could guess I have let things slide. In my defence my family has been going through some tough times and it's been very stressful. I'm lucky if I remember to eat here lately much less count calories. I've tried to manage by eating things that I have in the past on this diet. I've been so busy it's unbelievable.
I did start a new job. :) I don't know how it's gonna work out but I'm optimistic about it. I'm going to try my best to make it work. The basics of the job is this...well, it's kinda hard to explain. The company I work for is a pharmaceutical company that specializes in all natural products for the home. Such as laundry detergent, shampoo, and vitamins. It's a good product that has won environmental awards and the company is Better Business Bureau certified. Not bad! My job is letting people know it's there! So go to my web site and check it out. If you are interested and want more information let me know and I'll set up a on-line information session for you. There is so much to explain it's better left to the company it's just my job to get you there.
Enough of business...With all the complications that life has thrown at me somehow I'm still going. There have been times this week when I knew a "break down" was just one heart beat away. My sister and I had a long conversation this week on the phone about all of life's drama and troubles. She said something that most of you have already heard and it's something I know I've said to others. And that is "God will never put anything on you he knows you can't handle." The more I think about it I kinda disagree. Isn't it God's job to challenge us to show us how strong we can be? To perhaps bring us back to him by a situation we can't handle? I don't know it just makes me think. I'm not wavering on my faith, I know that the problems we are faced with now we will be able to overcome them. We have wonderful family and friends that will support us. We have a good church that the boys will find good friends at and that's as much of a blessing as we can ask for now.

My son has a Veggie Tales Bible and we found this verse. Keep in mind it is translated for a child but the meaning remains the same.
Romans 5:3-6
Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

Monday, August 23, 2010

One Month Mark! I made it :)

I had such a whirlwind day it isn't even funny. I'm just going to hit on a few points of interest. First off my one month evaluation was today and it went well other than me having a breakdown in the doctors office with the doctor there. But that's a whole other bag of worms. The good news is I have lost a total of 13 lbs. in one month!! YEA ME. Happy dance Happy dance. whooooo. Oh, yeah I'm writing a blog. Anyways the doctor also informed me that my bmi has dropped below the morbidly obese category. Yes, I said morbidly obese. This was news to me, I mean I know I'm fat and I considered myself obese but morbidly? Maybe I was in denial. Or maybe this is one of those situations where they are taking a number and saying yep that's just too fat. Another number to consider is that most modeling agencies consider a size 12 and up plus size modeling. Ok I was skinny at a size 12 and I looked good. Now at a much bigger size that will not be disclosed ...ever... I'm plus size. News flash for Modeling agencies until you hit sizes 16, 18 or more like 18w your not plus sized. This is why our girls are starving themselves sick. If I over hear another 10 to 13 year old complain that they are obese just because their belly is barely bulging when the breath I'm gonna scream. Ok, don't know where that tirade came from but it's over now let's move forward.
On a more personal note I took my kids to their open house tonight at school. It was fun and informative. My oldest noticed that a kid that has always bullied him is in his class this year and is not looking forward to it. My youngest is excited about starting school and I'm worried about him starting.
Also I am going to be starting a new job tomorrow. I filled out my paperwork tonight and will get the final training in the morning. I promise I will fill you in with more information as soon as I can and as often as I can. You will probably get sick of hearing about this job. But it's a job.
For now the house is quiet, the boys are in bed, John is in the living room watching TV, and I'm in the bed room typing this. I love this time of night when everything just stops. This has been a crazy day filled with doctors appointments, meeting up with my mom and sister, seeing a old friend, and having my first conference call and online team meeting. Now the house is quiet and the day has stopped and so have I.

Psalm 29:11 The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.
I would not have made it through the day with out a guardian angel. Our family has been faced with many obstacles over the past couple of weeks with no sign of things getting better.Having peace at night is a God send.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Almost One Month

It has almost been one whole month on the new diet. I am kind of nervous to go to the monthly review appointment at the clinic. Here recently I have had a hard time finding things to eat. I'm so tired of eating the same things. I'm gonna have to scour the Internet for new recipes. Also, the last couple of days I have been lax on my exercise routines. Actually not just lax they have been non-existent.
One of the main keys of being able to stay on a diet in my opinion is support. This is the first time I have had complete support from my family and friends. I get a call everyday from someone encouraging me and asking me how it's going. That has been wonderful. It allows me to vent about the diet or stress, or it gives me the opportunity to just have fun and laugh. I think I've underestimated how much stress can impact what I do. The past couple of days have been really stressful. Between trying to get my car fixed to doctors appointments for the boys and getting them ready for school it has been hectic around here. So, by the end of the day all I want to do is go into a couch potato coma. For the last couple of days that's what I have been doing.
So, the plan is for me to get back into the swing of exercising everyday for some amount of time even if it's just 15 minuets of Wii Fit. Also staying positive about working out and the diet, I haven't been negative per-say but I feel myself slipping and just letting things go. I particularly have a hard time when my kids are begging for ice cream or cookies. I'm also having a hard time with the water thing. I hate water. Getting eight 8oz. glasses of water is what is recommended for everyone to consume in one day, but I was never able to do that. I often think of Thumper from Bambi who ate the blossoms from clovers but not the greens. Well I like the sweet things too.

Reminder to self: Water is good for you and your diet. (even if you don't like it)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Catch up

I know it's been a while since I last wrote. I have had a busy time. So first off the yard sale went so well. I had a fun time with my sister and family. It was such hard work I don't think I'll be doing it again any time soon.
I also have been filling out job applications and on the hunt for a new job. I also took the boys to the pool this week and as always that was fun. I love being able to play with them. This summer has been the greatest thing ever!
Also it's time to confess that I've started a new workout. It may sound a little cheesy but it's new and fun. I was getting tired of the wii and I know that regular workout routines are something that I just can't get into. So and this is embarrassing to say, but I promised at the beginning of this that I would tell all step-by-step how I was loosing weight. I started doing Carmen Electra's Stripper Aerobics. There I said it. Just let me say this, they are not as trashy as what you might think. There has not been ANY stripping on camera that I've seen. I'm working of the first disk in the four pack so I don't know what the others have in store. The best thing I can think of to compare it to is the Pussycat Doll Club dances. Kinda burlesque. With my dance/cheerleading background this is right up my ally, and my husband doesn't mind me taking up the TV for an hour for this. He loves it. But I do suggest that if you have kids that this is not something to do with them awake not because your "stripping", just because no kid wants to see their mom dancing and doing isolations. It is a sexy dance and while I am overweight this has been a big issue for me. When I did dance all the time I would have been able to breeze through this with no problem, and do all the little poses and strut my stuff. But now....I just feel silly, I can't get through a set without laughing at myself and making fun. So, maybe this will help me get a little bit of my sexy back. Ha LOL. For anyone who has been overweight you know it affects your confidence and your self image. This may be the best way to regain some of that confidence.
Also I went to the doctor today with one of the worst migraine I've ever had. I was physically sick. I still don't feel well, but I was determined to post today. Anyway the doctor said that since I have a history of migraines that sometimes the medicine that I'm taking for the weight loss program causes them to increase in frequency. I'm hoping this is just a fluke and not related because it has been working so well for me. He wants me to report to the clinic if I have another migraine soon. Other than that he gave me a shot, the "cocktail", and sent me home.
Now that I completed my blog for the day I'm going to go rest some more and take it easy, and pray that this is not related.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 10: But I don't wanna!

I woke up this morning in a good mood, but as the day progressed my cheerful disposition vanished. I wish that I could have pinned down where my day went wrong so that I could have tried to turn it around. I guess it was just about time for me to have a bad day.

I struggled to plan my diet for today. Part of it was the mood I was in and part of it I think is that I'm running out of new things to eat. I really wanted to just have some left over pizza and a coke, but I didn't. I ended up taking another one of those nasty protein shots for breakfast, KFC individual popcorn chicken for lunch, and pork chop medallions for dinner. Don't get me wrong the food is good. It's just that I'm craving some junk food today. I'm proud of myself for not giving in to temptation but am going to bed tonight unsatisfied.

I did workout today also even though I didn't want to. I probably will not be able to tomorrow because we will be busy with the yard sale stuff to get that ready. So I'm putting in advance notice that I will not be posting tomorrow or maybe Saturday, we'll see.

But for now that's all. I'm kinda cranky. Being deprived of my favorite food is not good.

Day 10: As my mom would say "Your big enough were you wants won't hurt you." Well mom I'm still whining about my wants, and yes they do Hurt. lol

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 9: I know I forgot!

I forgot to write yesterday. Not a lot happened though. I took the boys to the movies, we watched Planet 51. I love this free movie summer series. Evyn ran into one of his little friends there and it was cool to watch them interact with each other. They shared a blanket and would laugh and talk through the movie. As a parent you always worry about them making friends and I think E has made a good friend. He invited him to his party and I hope his mom brings him so E will have at least one friend from school there.
On the diet side of things, well things are still going good with the eating. I haven't cheated....yet... I miss my soda some but I'm proud I've made it this long. My weight is hovering at 251lbs. I'm hoping that I'm not already hitting a plateau. I worked out last night and I didn't want to. Today the boys and I are going swimming.
Ok my kids are demanding that I feed them breakfast, what's up with wanting food. lol. If John and I can keep enough food in this house to feed these boys it will be a miracle.

Day 9: Keep It Up!!! Don't back down.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 7: Good Morning Weight Loss!

It has been a week since my first visit to the weight loss doctor, and I stepped on the scale this morning......drum roll please..... 249lbs. That is a total of 10 lbs. lost in one week! Ahhh, excitement. I jumped back into bed and annoyed my husband awake to share in my joy. He was happy, especially when I let him go back to sleep.

I also went to the doctor to get my second shot, ouch. It really doesn't hurt much or at all. It's just in my head. After that we went to Wal-mart to find some protein bars but ended up leaving with a protein shot. It was the nastiest thing I have ever had. It has the consistency of not quite set jello, and this is not something you want to sip on. But it is the best thing that I've found where I can get the protein I need first thing in the morning.

Evyn and I worked out again this afternoon and had fun doing it. I haven't missed a day of working out this whole week! I have stayed motivated, and am very proud of that.

Day 7: Still focused, isn't it amazing.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 5: Short and Sweet

I have been so busy today. My sister and I have decided to have a yard sale next weekend and I've been going through the house cleaning out closets and such to get things ready to sale. It's been a hard job but fun at the same time. My husband found shirts he forgot he had, and said it was like shopping in your home. We have too many clothes.
I haven't worked out today because I've been so busy. I'll probably do some Wii fit before I go to bed tonight. I really enjoy Wii fit, especially the boxing and step. The balance games are fun too. I would recommend it to anyone who has trouble staying with a workout routine. This game makes it fun and my whole family loves to play.
Well, I'm gonna go and finish up dinner. I get to have about 500 more calories than during the week so I'm making some good stuff. Polska Kielbasa with baby carrots, mushrooms, and baby red potatoes. Throw it all in a baking dish, set to about 350 and let it cook for 45 mins. Yum!

Day 5: A clean house is a happy house.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 4: Think Happy Thoughts

Last night I figured out that the second burst of energy was coming on while I was writing my blog. Unfortunately I was up till about 1am. This is something that I absolutely do not like. I'm so sleepy right now and I hope that the same doesn't happen tonight. Last night was the first time I had ever contemplated working out at 12am just to have something to do, I'm usually asleep by that time. Right as I was falling asleep I hear a scream from the other end of the house and go to comfort a little boy from nightmares. Then Xan came to sleep with mommy and daddy and so I had a very fitful night.
OK, enough of my complaining. I had a good day today with my kids. We went to a family member's house to swim. That is good exercise! Especially when you are busy catching boys who like to jump off a diving board into the deep end even though they have just learned to swim. If I could swim everyday for my exercise I would, I love it!
I'm finding it easier to find things to eat. I have a hobby of collecting cook books, so I had a fun time today looking through the many diet books I've collected over the years. My best find today was the desert that I made for dinner. It's from the Biggest Loser Family Cookbook. It's called Chocolate-Peanut Butter Grahamwiches. Haven't tried them yet but they look good. Here's the recipe.

Chocolate-Peanut Butter Grahamwiches
4 whole chocolate graham cracker sheets
4 teaspoons reduced-fat peanut butter
1/2 cup frozen fat-free whipped topping, thawed

Break each graham cracker in half (so each half is 1 square). Spread 1 teaspoon peanut butter evenly over the inside of each of 4 half's. Spread 2 tablespoons whipped topping each evenly among the insides of the 4 remaining halves. Sandwich the crackers together to form 4 sandwiches, each with a layer of peanut butter and a layer of whipped topping. Transfer to a airtight plastic container and place in the freezer. Freeze for about 2 hours or up to 1 month. Serve frozen.
Makes 4 servings

Per Serving: 112 calories, 2g protein, 18g carbohydrates, 4g fat, 0mg cholesterol, less than 1g fiber, 142mg sodium

Hope you guys enjoy those. Let me know how they turn out if you decide to make them.
Day 4: Desert is my happy thought!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 3: I'm still here.

Today I found myself lying in bed waiting for time to get up, something I do NOT do. I usually have to drag myself out of bed. I don't know if this is going to be a reoccurring thing with this diet or not but it wasn't completely unpleasant. I felt like I got a good nights sleep.

This morning was also the first day that I took a whole diet pill. I was expecting to be jittery and full of energy because that was what the doctor told me to expect. But, I felt fine all day. Alert and motivated. I got a lot of things done. I took Xan in for his blood work, researched party supplies, printed pictures at Wal-mart, ordered a cake at the bakery, exercised, and washed clothes. While I got these things done by about 3pm I felt my energy flagging. I'm hoping that doesn't happen again.

So technically day 4 of the diet and I'm finding it easier to stay with in my calorie ranges. The only trouble that I'm having is getting enough protein and staying away from the carbs. The doctor recommends that I eat 30 grams of protein for breakfast, which I'm finding difficult. I also talked with my sister-in-law today who I found out a couple days ago started the diet one day after me. It was good to be able to complain and give each other tips that we had learned.

Day 3: I'm still here.....without Coke :(
*This picture was taking a few years ago, but it's one of my favorites of John and I.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 2: Three days after appointment.

I woke up today with a pleasant surprise. I got on the scale just to see what was going on and to my surprise I'm 6 lbs. lighter! Gasp! Needless to say I was on the phone to my sister and mom very excited and they were screaming with me. I was nervous about being able to stick to the strict diet but after this I'm so motivated not to cheat.
I worked out with my oldest son, Evyn, with the Wii Active. He laughed right along with me and complained that the exercises were too hard. I found it was easier for me to motivate him and set a good example by pushing us through it. He's a good workout partner. Mommies always find a way to make things funner I don't know why I didn't think of this before. It made it so much easier for me to wade through it when I was busy joking with E and having fun.
If this diet continues to work positively it will be such a blessing in my life. I will be able to do the things that I want to do with my kids like hiking, and running in the yard to play tag. There have been so many times my youngest one has said, "Mommy please play tag with me." and I've had to turn him down because it was physically impossible for me to. For a parent it hurts for your child to want to play with you and you can't, especially when it's something like weight. I'm afraid I'm going to miss the years when my kids want to play with me.
I know there is some controversy over this diet with the injections and such. I've researched this for months, and have decided it's worth trying for me. If anyone is reading this and are interested research it, talk to your doctor, get educated. It isn't for everyone.
Thanks for the positive feedback from family and friends, your support helps so much.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A fresh start!!!

OK so I warned you up front that I was lazy, and well I quit my diet. So I'm starting a new one. I checked into the Medical Weight Loss at my local doctors office and decided that I should give it a try because there are weekly check ins and a lot of accountability. I went to my first appointment yesterday and it was interresting. I will be working with my doctor to change my eating habits and learn how to count calories and other things.I will have monthly mesurements taken and weigh ins. I weighed in at 259lbs. She gave me a few great web sites that helps with counting the calories, as well as keeping track of food intake and I'll post links to them for those who are interrested as well as post the web page of the program here in Mt. Airy.

The biggest issue I had with the program is the once a week shots I will be eventually giving my self. I decided to get the shots at the clinic untill I get used to it. You see I'm beyond terrified of needles and I was shaking by the time the doctor was ready to give me mine. The shots are HCG injections into the stomach. It gives me the creeps just thinking about it. I will also be taking a diet pill suggested by the doctor. There are lots of rules for me to follow. I am excited about this program and hope it will help even a lazy person lose weight.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 23: Being sick sucks!!!!

I was planning to post yesterday but was feeling under the weather. John and I both have been not feeling well this week. On the plus side I haven't eaten as much as I normally would if I hadn't been feeling bad. Yesterday was the weigh in day for the week. I think this is the week 3 mark. Almost a month and another posting of a picture.....I haven't changed that much. Anyway I did reach my goal and lost another pound this week. So down to 255lbs, but I think it had a lot to do with me not feeling well so I feel like I cheated.

This weekend is my nephew's first birthday party, so happy birthday to both Max and Jacob. How lucky am I? Two great nephews days apart! So exciting. I am looking forward to seeing my sister and everybody. I miss them so much.

Speaking of my sister I told her about trying the new medical weight loss thing and she was so supportive. It was good to know my family is behind me with this. My mother is also behind me with this. It was kinda eye opening when we talked because she was explaining how worried she was about me and I didn't realize she was that worried. We also talked about how I will never be back to my original size, which I knew that. I'm not crazy. Between my sister, my mom, and my husband we have all decided that for me to get back to about 145 to 150 would be wonderful. My original weight was between 120 and 125. I feel we have been very realistic. Also just for the fun of it and for me to reminisce I'm posting a picture at my original weight. I know I'll get a laugh out of it and possibly get some motivation.

The thing about losing weight is that I think most of us have a picture in our head of what we used to look like or what we would like to look like. A lot of us think that we need to get to that and if we don't, we give up or we give up before we've had the chance to really lose anything. With me going into this with the knowledge that I will never be what I once was and accepting that is a good thing. So, I'll be saying goodbye to this part of my life today by posting this picture.

Day 23.....Looking forward to the future and a better me.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 18:Busy, Busy, Busy.

After my post on Thursday I had a really good day walking and taking pictures. The picture to the right is my favorite that was taken on Thursday. It was a good experience to just take some time to slow down. But my slow time was quickly interrupted by the kids and mothers day weekend.

On Friday Evyn had his schools spring carnival, where he won a gold fish. That was big excitement in this house. So after the carnival we had to go to Wal-mart to purchase a aquarium and a friend for Laser Eye...what a name for a gold fish. Being so busy with the boys I found no time to work out, but I did cook a nice dinner of whole wheat cheese tortellini with all natural marinara. Yum it was so good.

Then on Saturday we went to Tweetsie Railroad. I got my workout there, a day of walking up and down a mountain was fun. If you are in NC and reading this you might want to try to go to Tweetsie even if you're a adult it is so fun. After we were done there we went to Macadoo's to was wonderful!!! I highly recommend it also.

On Mother's Day I rested. We enjoyed church and a meal with John's parents. There I was surprised to learn that they were taking the boys to their house so that John and I could go see a movie. I didn't get to see my mom and I feel so guilty...I called and told her I loved her and that was all I could do.

That brings us to today. This morning I took another step towards loosing the weight that I need to. There is a weight loss clinic here in Mt. Airy that provides the HCG shots and weight loss program. I will be attending my first appointment June 17th and I'm so excited about this. My sister-in-law is also going to be starting this program on the same day and that's kinda reassuring to me because I'm gonna be doing this with someone I know and will hopefully have a support system with. To prepare I've done some research and there is both good and bad reviews. All of the good says it has changed their life, and the bad has been people who haven't tried it and say that it just doesn't do anything. Well I'm willing to take the chance that it will change my life. I'll provide the link for the weight loss web site for those interested to learn more.

Until my appointment in June I will continue to monitor what I eat and workout when I can.

Day 18: Change is coming with the help of some hormones.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 14: It's been a week ......need I remind you I'm Lazy.

I know it's been a week since my last post. I'm sorry, I've kinda fell off the horse so to speak. For some reason I've been in this little funk and it's not been good. But I woke up this morning and it's a beautiful day and I'm excited to start fresh and be positive.

Yesterday I was scheduled to post a weigh in for last week. Well, I didn't lose any weight but that's ok considering I didn't workout like I needed to......or at all. The important thing is that I didn't gain any weight back. So, yea me!

Today is such a gorgeous day that I'm going for a walk with my camera to see what I can take pictures of. Also it's one of those days where I find myself contemplating why I'm not more motivated to do things like taking my kids hiking and just pulling a blanket from the closet and taking a book outside to enjoy the sun. I challenged my facebook friends today to have a me moment. That's one of those moments where I'm outside and it just hits me that this world is beautiful and I get to live in it and I find myself closing my eyes and lifting my head to the sky and taking deep breaths. It's wonderful and it makes you smile. Try it sometime.

I had a English teacher in college that would end every class by saying, "go run necked through the wild flowers." As I would walk out of her class you would over hear people talking of how weird she was, but I don't think they got what she was saying. They were taking her to literal. If every person took the time to do one completely selfish thing like streaking through wild flowers or taking the time to go outside and read a book we would all be a little bit happier.

Day 14: Be inspired by the beauty that surrounds you and you might just find that you feel more beautiful yourself.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 8: Looking forward to the weekend.

Tomorrow I'm heading to Wilkes to take the boys to have a visit with Nana. Then John and I will be headed to Raleigh to visit with some friends. This is a needed visit. The friends we are going to see were some of the closest we had until they moved. It is rare for John and I to associate with adults without kids interrupting us every other word to ask a crazy question. So I am definitely looking forward to adult time.

With that being said I probably will not be posting anything over the weekend, so this may be my last post till Monday.

Today I finished my oldest son's blanket I was making for him, that's what the picture is about. He loved it. He has also decided to help me lose weight by playing Wii Active with me. I know it's such a sacrifice for a 7 year old to play video games. He was really excited to be involved with helping his mom. As he got out of the car after school today he said, "ok Mom first we'll eat then we have to play Wii. You promised." How do you say no to that? I know I can't, he may be my best motivator. I would also like to thank all the friends and family who have read this and have e-mailed me or facebooked me to give me support and advice. It is greatly appreciated.

My first week wasn't that bad considering how much I was dreading this journey. I know I'm far from finished , but I'm proud of myself for even starting this. It's been along time since I've been this motivated or had this much self esteem to put myself out there like this. Win or Lose, Good or Bad, you guys who read this are going to be with me. That's a huge step for me.

Day 8: To my son, by greatest Insperation.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 7: I cheated yesterday

I didn't post yesterday because I didn't do anything. I took the day off. Today I plan to continue my schedule of writing down what I eat and everything. I also came up with the plan that I could post today.

I plan on exercising at least 30 minuets a day.
I've also switched from drinking mostly Coke to water. I still have soda in the mornings to get me going and some at night. Also I decided to post my weight loss progress.
Seven days ago I weighed in at 262lbs.
Today when I got on the scale I weighed 256 Lbs. So that's a total loss of 6lbs. I figure that's mostly water weight.

Also, I'm setting a goal to lose one to two lbs. a week. I feel that is a realistic goal. I have far exceeded that goal on my first week. I hope that I can continue on this track.

I feel if I can set up a schedule and get into a routine it would be so much better for me. I am very optimistic about how well I'm doing. Or at least I'm trying to be, it's not easy. I want to continue pushing myself to see what I can do.

Day 7......It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me and I'm feeling good!~ Michael Buble Feeling Good.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 5: Chaos = Stress

Today has been interesting so far. It has also been a prime example of why I need to stop being lazy and organize my life. This morning was Xander's kindergarten screening and I almost forgot about it. I didn't put the date in my calender like I was supposed to because when it was scheduled we were at school and not near it, and like a true lazy person when I got home I chose to immediately sit down and watch t.v instead of making sure everything is organized. I was lucky that I did remember it last night but that was too late to go to the court house and get a copy of his birth certificate. Which I should have anyway but I lost it because I'm (do I have to say it...) lazy and unorganized.
After being tied up with Xan this morning I didn't get done what I needed to this morning and my whole schedule that I thought I had planned just fell all to pieces. I feel like I've been running around all day and it has stressed me out. I can feel the tension building in my shoulders and I always feel anxious when things don't go right. You would think by now I would have done something about being more organized if it made me feel like this.....but you forget this is a true sign of a lazy person. When they don't do anything to improve their well being, that's a big red flag.
For the second part of my day I'm taking the time right now to set up a schedule so that maybe I can relax and enjoy my family this evening. I also need to plan for exercise because I didn't yesterday and need to somehow today. Also I thought I would try to think about setting goals for myself such as setting a weekly amount of weight to lose. Nothing too far away like 7 lbs. a week or anything like that, something realistic. As soon as I get a goal set that I think I can live with I will post it.

Day 5....Progress is on the way, if only I can be organized enough for it to happen.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 4: Just repeat " I will not be lazy, I will not be lazy!"

Today I'm finishing my spring cleaning. I just had the boys rooms to clean, but I did not want to do it. I have to keep telling myself that it needs to get done. So I did it. My house has officially been spring cleaned.
While I was doing this I realized just how out of shape I am. When I woke up this morning I was so sore and I did not want to get up and go to church or get out of bed. The old me would have stayed in bed. My husband even asked me if I wanted to stay home from church which is something he never does. He always tries to push me to do things, but he could tell I was hurting. He was proud that I made myself get up. Yesterday we completely cleaned out the kitchen and living room. After that was done and the boys in bed I shampooed the carpets. They look so much better! By the time I took a bath and got into bed it was about 12:30am.

I'm not planing any exercise for today...maybe I'll make Sunday the day of rest.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 3: Does spring cleaning count as a workout???

Today I have a full day of spring cleaning. I know it's exciting. But as I sit on my couch this morning contemplating the day and wondering where to start cleaning I'm also asking my self, Does spring cleaning count as working out?
I for one think it should. I mean your bending and lifting and moving furniture. If there's anyone who has an opinion on this please feel free to share.
Just so that I feel I'm not cheating too much I'm planning on taking a walk with my family again to today...if we get all our stuff done.
Sorry for the short post today but there is so much to do and so little time to do it.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 2: It's hard to motivate on a Rainy day.

It's day 2 and I am already questioning this journey. It is raining today and that just makes me want to crawl back in bed and NOT go workout. After my wonderful walk yesterday with my family I was all geared up to grab my mp3 player and head out first thing in the morning to walk. But alas it is raining...what luck.

The lazy person in me wants to just find a good movie and curl up on the couch and have a nice day. Something I would not have thought twice about until my "wake up call." But the new me is saying find something to do!!!! I do not have a gym membership yet so that is out. So after a lot of thought I present to you the plan for the day, it might not sound like much but believe me it's more than I normally do.

For a workout I thought I would try my Wii Active game that I bought. I purchased this game thinking I would go home and workout as soon as it was released. I'm just taking the wrapper off of it and using it for the first time today. It was released about 6 or 7 months ago. Also I'm making a point to journal what I eat today and decrease the amount to Coke I drink. I keep reminding myself baby steps.

Also as promised here is the month one picture. This picture was taken a couple of weeks ago at Myrtle Beach. We were on vacation with our family. When I saw this picture for the first time I thought wow I have a hot husband...then I looked at me. Not so hot. He deserves a better me. I deserve a better me. Ok, enough blogging now it's time for action.

Day 2, It's raining, it's cold, and I'm working out. :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 1

To date I have lived my life just as it comes with no regard to my health. Now at the not so old age of 26 I feel that I have established my family life and can now evaluate my situation. Don't get me wrong I know that I'm fat. But as a perpetual lazy person I saw no need to do anything about it. I like food and have a love hate relationship with it. I love it but hate what it does to my body.

My "wake-up call" came when I was watching T.V with my eldest son and he would turn around after every weigh loss commercial and say, " mom that's what you need." That is pretty devastating to hear and that's when I began to notice little things like I wasn't able to play with my children like I want to, and when i fix my hair my arms start to hurt while curling it. I wasn't always fat. In high school was was in shape and didn't really have to watch my weight, I know lucky me... so when I started to gain it never occurred to me to change my eating habits or to exercise more.

This is the start of a new journey in my life, one that I hope will be a good experience. I chose to blog about it because I would almost put money on the fact that somewhere there is someone out there just like me. A stay at home mom who revels in the glory days of old when she could eat a greasy burger and not have to do 2000 crunches to make up for it. So, for those of you who chose to read this blog you will be with me in my ups and downs, and just to make it interesting I am planning to post monthly pictures of progress or not progress for your entertainment.

Day 1 has started, and now I want a burger.

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